With the support of La Fleur Florist and Duncan Pharmacy, both Pasifika owned businesses, and Tu Hauoranga Trust, the Pasifika o Wairarapa Trust was proud to make this unique opportunity happen. Last month, our own Wairarapa Pasifika students, Sovaia Sabutu and Genuine Savaliga, were awarded True Athlete Project scholarships. A worldwide online mentoring programme for aspiring athletes. A programme that strive to, amongst other things, make good athletes better community people. They are the inaugural recipients of this programme in New Zealand. Further, today, in the history of the worldwide programme, was the first time that the mentors have met the mentees, in person. Representatives of our Wairarapa Pasifika village was blessed to make this happened and entrust our mokopuna Sovaia and Genuine, to the mentoring support of their mentors, Katie Rood and Erick Panzer, respectively.